Sex hiatus

I've always had really bad hang ups when it comes to sex. I was in 2 serious relationships before I met my husband and both of them really turned me off and scarred me from sex for a long time (abuse). My husband understood all of this when we were first dating and has always been so supportive of me. I would sometimes go on a sex hiatus and not be in the mood for a long time. The longest I can remember is over a month. I know my husband cares and is understanding but he gets very frustrated too, understandably. We had an argument over it one time and after we vented, we talked about how we both were feeling. He's not a man of many words but what he did say really broke my heart and made me feel like I was the most terrible wife ever. He basically said that he just doesn't get his hopes up anymore. I broke down and sobbed when he said that. He hugged me and told me that I was nowhere near a "shitty wife" as I put it, but I couldn't shake it. 
So I have been really trying to work through my irrational fears and anxiety about sex and *TMI Territory* have been making a solid effort to try to have sex almost every night  And actually coming into him as opposed to him doing all of the chasing. It has made me feel a lot happier to please my husband and he said that he is so proud of the confidence I'm trying to show. It's made us so much stronger as a couple. 
I guess I just wanted to write this to get it out there. Struggling with something so intimate and fragile can be really scary but thanks to some of the ladies I've read posts from, it's nice to know that I'm not alone. <3