I'm so sick and tired!

I'm tired and sick of being sick. I'm almost 13 weeks and I'm miserable. I vomited 3 times today and I have been running to the bathroom and dry heaving every hour. I'm so exhausted and I have a huge headache and I just can't take it anymore. My doctor prescribed me diclegis at 8 weeks and only made my vomitting worse. I've had a few good days where I've been able to eat something small here and there but it's not enough...I just don't know what to do anymore. I haven't been happy about being pregnant my entire pregnancy and it sucks. I just want just want to be able to find some joy and enjoy my pregnancy. 
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I felt this way last week.... Dr prescribed me zofran and a stronger Tylenol and I feel so much better. Maybe see if he can do the same for you 


Nicole • Dec 12, 2015
Poo so hopefully this goes away soon :/


Nicole • Dec 12, 2015
I spoke with my doctor and he said it sounded like I had food poisoning because I continued puking anything I drank or ate. He said if I continued to puke for the next few hours to head to the hospital to ensure I don't get dehydrated. I've had 4 Popsicles and kept them down but I still feel like


A • Dec 12, 2015
You're welcome hope you get something to make you feel better:-)


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Morning sickness is a sign your pregnancy is healthy and strong! You're almost over the hill though... I'd give it not even a week you shouldn't be getting sick anymore :)