Please help! Need some advice.

Kade • 26 & Expecting baby #1. I live in a small town in Central PA. I like cats.
Test taken (from top):
1- Monday 12/7
2- Tuesday 12/8 (4p)
3- Tuesday 12/8 (9p)
4- Friday morning (5a)
I also took a digital test Thursday afternoon around noon (due to the three positive tests) but got not pregnant. 
Last night I started spotting around 6:30p and it progressively got heavier. It started out light pink, then brown, to full blown red. It's similar to my period. But I got 3 positive tests!!! 
What do I do?! Call the doctor and get tested?! This will be my first pregnancy and I'm trying to keep it a secret from my family (until ready to announce.) 
HELP!!! 😭