Quick question!

Jessa<3 • Happily married to the love of my life. <3 Mommy to two handsome boys, William and Grayson, and a beautiful daughter, Nora 💙💕
How far along were you when you found out your were pregnant? I took a test about 2weeks ago and it had an extremely faint line on. Well the next morning I started spotting and it last about 4 days. But it never got much heavier. Well I waited until last night and tested again because I've been extremely nauseous, my boobs/nipples are so sensitive it hurts wearing a bra, I'm very bloated, tired 24/7. Well when I tested it looked negative at first, but then after about 10minutes it looked like an extremely faint line again. So is it possible I may be pregnant still, or am I out? Thank you to anyone who responds!