TTC with Thyroid disease

Thyroid disease is something that can immensely impact fertility. It is not a one size fits all disease.

Here I am, almost 24, and instead of wondering what kind of a mom I will be, I am wondering if I will get to be a mom. Dramatic? Maybe a little, but Thyroid disease is not something that should be taken lightly.

It takes time to get medications figured out, and even when you think you have them right, BAM, curve ball. It can change just like that.

About four months ago I was feeling sluggish and having a hard time getting out of bed. I knew it was my thyroid. I had been diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2014. I had been taking my meds religiously. I knew something was off. I went in, talked with my doctor and had my levels checked. They were way low, so we upped my meds. 6 weeks later we retested my levels, this time they were high, not too bad but enough that I had to go back to my previous dose of meds. It's been about 8 weeks, we have been ttc baby #1 for two cycles, and I'm late. I needed to get my thyroid levels checked so I went in to do that and a blood pregnancy test. Not pregnant, but my thyroid levels are now hyper. That explains the lateness.

Long story short, I won't be able to have a baby until we figure out my thyroid. Thyroid disease has many symptoms, infertility is one. Non existent menses, fatigue and even weight gain can come with it.

It scares me to think that we can get my thyroid levels taken care of and then it can change. In a matter of weeks. I want to have children and be a great mom. I know I probably will get this chance, it just won't be something that will be as easy for me as I had hoped.