Just diagnosed with Endometriosis🤕

Ashley • 27. Married to Tyler. Our pups Mika, Ruger & Stanlee❤️. Oregon Living. Work in Public Health.
After months and months of excruciating abdominal pain and multiple gyn visits, I was finally told that I have Endometriosis. As horrible as that is, I'm mostly relieved that I've finally gotten a diagnosis and a confirmation that I'm not going crazy (haha). Anyways, I have laparoscopic surgery coming up in January to remove two large (5+cm) cysts on both of my ovaries and I'm definitely freaking out. 
My GYN said that there is a possibility that they will damage my healthy ovarian tissue in the process of removing my ovarian cysts and I'm really freaked out about it. After 3.5 years of not being able to conceive and then the possibility that my ovaries could be ruined forever, I'm at a loss as to how to feel!
Anyone else with Endo or ovarian cysts issues have any advice? I'm trying to stay positive but the thought of not being able to have biological children is really freaking me out. 