How are you feeling?

Hey everyone!! 
I am due June 23 and so excited about it. This will be my forth child. The others are ages 3(March 2012), 2(April 2013), 1(May 2014).
How is everyone feeling?? 
My morning sickness has subsided which is surprising as I am on keflex for strep, and have so much mucus and congestion. 
Still all day random neausea and sensitive to smells.
I'm currently in southern Mississippi and the weather has been very wacky which is also messing with me. It was 85 yesterday and 68 today bc of rain.
It's supposed to be winter, leggings and tunics, baggy sweaters and cute tops with winter sayings.
 I wore a dress yesterday. With flip flops. 
Anyway back on topic I hope everyone is well!!