Feeling Low

A little over a year ago my husband and I found out we were pregnant. At my early scan, baby measured small. We went in the next week and could no longer find a heartbeat. This wasn't my first miscarriage. A year earlier I lost a healthy baby at 10 weeks. Now we are TTC again for 7 months. I'm having symptoms of implantation bleeding. My husband refuses to acknowledge it. He told me he doesn't hold up hope each month. I've suffered from depression and anxiety for about 8 years. Im currently on medication and have been seeing a therapist. Comments like this just break me down. I feel like he does not care. He has two other children and I feel like his hope isn't lost. He's also told me that if we don't have a baby his kids are mine also. It's not the same by any means. I'm just trying to hold it together.