Love, lust or confused?


Hey everyone,

It's been a while since I've been here a few months actually. Well these few months have been a roller coaster for me with school, work nd my love life. Last yr my bf and I broke up because I invaded his privacy (it was the 1st and last time) idk what made me do it or it was just that gutt feeling but it was nasty, a few months later we got back together it was a work to be done nd till just a few days ago it was fine we were happy, then I get this gutt feeling again nd I try to ignore it sooo bad I did good I may say I didn't ask questions I disregarded the thoughts so on.

Today I was at work nd forgot a pen after not finding one I go to my phone to write down something in my notes, and what I find are love notes to a girl from when we where separated, the things it said in them hurt me so much, I confronted him about it he said it was just thoughts that he never said it to it was nothing, he said he loved her, they've been talking for 2 yrs, we have been together for 4 yrs... I love this guy but idk if to try to fix this try to trust him, or leave... my heart says stay, but my brain is saying let go before u get hurt again... I need advice anyone please.

Please be nice, negative comments or sarcasm won't help, if u can't say something that'll help don't say anything.
