Lots of anxiety tonight

Jessica • Married for 10 years. 1 beautiful child with Clomid + Metformin. #2 born 10/2016.... He was our surprise baby. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Day 2 of clomid... This month will be our 7th non-consecutive month of trying. <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. Baby #1 took 2 cycles. This baby is almost 7 cycles in and surgery in feb 2015. After this month, we've put almost 25k into this baby. I have pcos & hubby has Sertoli cell only syndrome, so we are using donor sperm. Running low on donor supply, running low on funds. Lots of anxiety tonight that this isn't going to work. When deep down, I need it to work. Any support is welcomed... I just need to know im not alone (even though I know I'm not....)