2 bleeds in a month! Quite lengthy but please read and help me 😔

So I have been ttc for a year now and after the first 6 months I figured something was wrong so I went to the doctors and I was diagnosed with pcos, did the ultrasound and and hormones blood test and everything! For the past 2 months or so I have lost weight and my periods have regulated again, I get a bleed every month now whereas before I was getting a bleed like every 3 months or 4. 
This month however, I had a bleed on the 4th November which I thought was my period as I get a bleed the first week of each month now (I wasn't keeping track because I'm trying not to stress because it's quite frustrating ttc and it's not happening) but I started cramping a lot for about a week and on the 22nd of November I had another full period! I'm lost I don't know what to think or what to do! Back when my periods were irregular I got all the pms symptoms! Tender boobs! Cramps! Back pain! The whole lot and now I think that's because my hormones were so out of whack! Because since I have been getting a normal period I don't have half as much pms symptoms I get a lil cramping but no breast tenderness or anything like before! At the moment I don't know if I should be expecting a period or not! I should be due a period yesterday based on the first bleed or a period on the 21st Dec based on the second bleed. I'm having weird cramp like feelings in my belly bottom and it feels a bit heavy at times plus my nipples, not breasts just the nipples are quite sensitive, I'm sleeping a lot more than usual! And eating more! This could all be my mind playing tricks on me!I'm just so confused! Anyone had anything like this before?