I just need some help, I guess.

So I'm going to start this off by saying that I haven't been diagnosed with anything and I'm too scared to ask my parents to go to the doctor. 
I'm in high school, and like most I'm stressing out like crazy. I lost all of my friends last year and I've only got one now, who I only have lunch with. I'm horrible at talking to people and it makes me really nervous. I've always assumed I had social anxiety because I've never been good with people, and it really affects me. 
I also think I may be depressed. 
I get into these moods on some days (not pms) where I can't make myself do anything. I get home from school, lock myself in my room and cry. I don't know what's wrong with me. My brother has already been diagnosed and I think if I told my parents that I might be too it'd break them. 
I don't know what to do. I have no one to talk to about this type of stuff and I know I need help, but I'm too scared to ask for it. Any suggestions that wouldn't require medication? I'm not sure how all of this works. My mom looks down on anxiety and says that if you've got it you're crazy. I don't believe that at all. (Not meaning to offend anyone). So I feel like if I told her she'd just shrug it off. Help?