Welcome to O&N TTC

Aerial • 💙💙💋💋
As we know not all modern day medicine is actually good for you. So many different chemicals that can be just down right bad for you. One of my good friends is a doctor and has spent his life looking for all natural solutions to many different problems. 
Yes yes some are completely unavoidable. 
But there are some that are voidable. 
Here we can post recipes, remedies, oils, teas, exercises, massaging techniques, and more! 
There are some rules: 
1. Please be kind to all. We are all adults and no name calling or bashing. 
2. There will be a pregnancy announcement thread to announce your wonderful news!
3. Please no chemical solutions to anything. This is an all organic and all natural group so we want the O&N solution if there is one. 
4. Please be positive as much as possible. Thought become things so let's make them positive things... 
Ok loves post away! Let's have some fun and share away!