
Sarah • Wife. Momma to a 2 year old. Praying for our rainbow baby.
Today was my 39 week appointment. I planned for a sweep and to get an induction date in the books before or on my due date. I needed up having the most intense ligament pain on my right side, so bad I was crying, could barely walk or even make it into my appointment. I had to have my husband bring me in. We got the sweep (1cm 70% effaced) then we were sent over to the hospital just to check on that ligament pain. There I was checked out and was basically told there was nothing they could do. My midwife surprised us and showed up at the hospital to break the news that they can not induce before 41+ weeks. I broke down in tears. This is going to be a rough Christmas if I go past due. This sweep was my last hope...just praying it takes...