My friend doesn't understand

So I decided to tell one of my closest friends about the roller coaster I've been going thru with fertility treatments since she kept making jokes about me being pregnant n not wanting to tell her. I thought tht she would understand but she didn't, I decided to finally go out to a friend's bday dinner which I didn't want to go because I knew tht they'll be drinking. I ordered a lemonade and when they asked what I was drinking my friend Blurted out that I was pregnant n couldn't drink. Fast foward to yesterday, I was on the phone with her telling her tht I couldn't come visit cause I had to trigger last night, to what she responded I don't understand why you trying so hard, you have time just relax and it would happen. Then she added tht since we are in the process of buying a home tht tht should be my baby. What hurts me the most it's tht she always says that she doesn't know how she got pregnant cause it happen in her sleep. . She has 4 kids .. the second pregnancy it was triplets n unfortunately one didn't make n the last pregnancy was after one ovary was removed. None were medicated. All of this is Definitely affecting our relationship n now I find myself avoiding her.. what should I do or say to make her understand?