Trying so hard to stay positive.

Seriously since Thursday has been a bad nightmare I can't wake up from. My water broke Thursday night. Friday they decided to induce me. I had an ultrasound and found out I had a rare condition causing me to have too much amniotic fluid so he was having trouble engaging into my pelvis for delivery so the doctor had to pop the rest of my water bag and keep his fingers up their guiding his head down. That finally worked and I labored for 18 hours and made it to 7.5 cm dilated but he was posterior so I had such bad back labor that I started hyperventilating with every contraction and I wasn't getting enough oxygen so they took me in for an emergency c section because he went into distress. He was born Saturday December 12th at 3:43am. He was fine all day Saturday and Sunday and then Monday he started puking up green bile and he was in the nicu being tested and observed and then they transferred him to a higher level of care hospital Tuesday night. He had a duplicate cyst that formed on the outside of his intestines and causing a minor blockage. He had his surgery yesterday and everything went well and as planned. Yay finally some good news! They're going to start trying to feed him small amounts of breastmilk and see how he does with it and if he's keeping everything down he can finally come home. 
Last night was the first time I actually left him and went home because my daughter needs me too and I can't keep sleeping in an uncomfortable reclining chair after a c section. I feel like such a terrible mommy for leaving him but at the same time I'm useless being exhausted and in pain. I know he's in amazing hands. He's in one of the best hospitals in Chicago. Plus I'll see him tomorrow. I really hope he can come home soon. Snuggling and smelling a blanket he was wrapped in isn't cutting it anymore. I need my baby in my arms. 
Mommy's little strong handsome boy.