41 weeks - feel so defeated

Kelli • .

Started losing my plug Saturday and Sunday. Sunday night I started spotting. Tuesday night had the bloody show. Been having irregular contractions at night since Sunday.

Today I had an ultrasound to check if everything still looks good. Everything was great except the fluid was borderline low. They told me they might keep me and induce, I hadn't brought anything with me as I was only having an ultrasound. They sent me for a nst and baby did fantastic so they said they would check my cervix and if it's favorable they will do a sweep and then let me go until Saturday, if not they would start cervical ripening today. Thank goodness it was favorable, 1-2cm and nearly fully thinned.

I really didn't want a sweep but I feel that it is my last hope to achieve a natural birth. I feel so disappointed in my body right now.

Praying that the sweep works quickly 😳

Can anyone share a similar experience?