Feeling like death is a understatement, any advice or direction would be apprciated

Hi guys! I feel so bad and guilty for even posting this as I feel I should be really happy being 10weeks 5 days pregnant, but I feel the COMPLETE OPPOSITE. It has been a super rough first trimester RTP begin with but this week, about end of wel min beginning of week 10 I have never felt so awful. Talk about depression, lack of sleep, hormonal, such bad pains down my legs, belly and back! I am hands down miserable, beyond belief, to where I just told my fiancé maybe I am not a good candidate for pregnancy. The pain is so bad I can barely get out of bed to walk, I can't sleep even though I am exhausted, I haven't cried this much as I have the past few days and I just would rather vanish then feel this torture. Don't get me wrong, I adore kids. I wanted 5 myself at one point however I will be lucky to even get through this as I am about to go into my 11week and almost 2nd trimester. I know they say it gets better in 2nd bit that is so hard for me to even phatahom or look forward to when I just fee awful beyond any understanding. I am usually a tough cookie bit of recent I can't tough anything out. Even at home I am so down, I don't turn the tv on, this is so new to me and my body as it was almost impossible prior to preg to get me to stay in one place. I feel like all I do is bitch, when this is suppose to be the happiest time of my life. Any ANY advice for my physical, emotional and mental pain would be appreciated... My fiancé is trying hard but everything he does bothers me as he doesn't deserve it and I just can't control it at times, almost like I am consistently mad at him for the STUPIDEST THING and mad at baby for making me so miserable.. Hope everyone is enjoying there holidays as I wish I could. XOXO! Oh not to mention, headaches had subsided and now came back I. 10th week full force 😪😪😪