He's FINALLY here!

I'm 38 weeks exactly and had my prenatal check up this morning. My blood pressure was pretty high and I was already 5cm so they decided to send me to triage to get monitored. My contractions became more and more frequent, but I wasn't progressing any. They did an NST on the little guy and unfortunately, he failed test where he practices his breathing in the womb. This was all done by ultrasound obviously. So they immediately admitted me and said I wasn't leaving until I had him. I was still 5cm. Once I got to the delivery room, I progressed to 7cm in an hour or so. My midwife decided to break my water and that's when the real pain started! Instead of the contractions in the front, I had back labor the entire time. I felt them in my lower back. They got worse and worse so I requested an epidural. I had a student doctor and unfortunately, he missed his mark. He told me it would take about 15 minutes to feel the pain relief. That relief never ever came. Contractions got closer and closer and more intense. My midwife checked me and I was already at 9cm. By then, it was too late for any other pain relief, so au natural it was!! Honestly, the worst pain in my life. I pushed for less than 5 minutes and Mason was born at 7:36pm weighing 8lbs and 1oz. So in love! Thank you ladies for all of your love, support, and kind words the last 9 months! Good luck to all of you!!