Feeling discouraged.

Hello ladies! I'm currently 41 weeks 2 days.. I was admitted for induction yesterday at 7 a.m. Well it's 1:02 a.m. and I haven't made any progress. When they first checked me I was 1 cm 50% effaced.. After 12+ hours and 3 doses of cytotech, I'm 1 cm and 60% effaced. Having small contractions, but nothing I can feel. Doctor said she's surprised I'm still smiling being that cytotech is so strong. They put a little tampon thingy behind my cervix overnight to help with dilation and ripening.. Then they're starting me on pitocin at 6 a.m. I didn't think this would take so long and I at least expected to make some progress. Feeling really discouraged like I'm gonna be sent home with no baby :( I just wanna meet my little girl!! Can't sleep for the life of me.