Vent time

We've been TTC since my miscarriage in April. I had SUCH high hopes for this month, as my cycle was finally "normal" and we BDd like mad. I've been taking FRERs for the past 8days, and I'm currently 2 days late for AF & still getting stark white BFNs.... SO if that's not annoying/stressful enough last night husband & went out dinner with his parents (they know about my miscarriage) and as I'm trying to eat his mom starts talking about "how cute so & so's new baby is, she was born Dec1st, blaaaa blaaa." I just turned my head, couldn't even look
at her. This is not the 1st time she's done this.... Then his dad immediately follows with a lovely story about their neighbor who is a "teen mom and is going to stay home with the baby".... I kicked my husband so damn hard under the table without even thinking before doing it, total knee jerk reaction. I mean what in the actual F*@! am I supposed to say to these things?!?!? 
I swear I knew they were going to do this too, and I was dreading this dum dinner because of it. Why can't people who know what we are going through be more considerate??? It would be different if they didn't know... I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening.