Maria Letizia was born ❤️

MariasMommy👶🏽👑 • 08.29.13 when I met my King 💯❤️ 12.17.15 when we met our princess 👶🏽👑
On December 16th 2015 at 10:00 p.m I walked in the doors to get induced. I was 40+3. I came in with my dad and my boyfriend, my mom was going to meet us there once things progressed a little bit. They hooked me up onto the machines and found out I was having small contractions already at about 4 minutes apart and dilated 3cm and 70% effaced. They gave me cervadil and left, at around 2 a.m my water broke on its own and contractions really started to pick up so they took the cervadil out. I got the epidural because the baby's heartbeat was dropping due to the stress I was having. After the epidural they were manageable but I could still feel them. Around 4-5 a.m I was checked and this time I was 5cm dilated and 100% effaced. They started pitocin, it kicked my ASS. I was crying with no tears lol, they hurt. At 8 a.m a nurse came in and said I was 9 cm dilated. My midwife came in around 9 a.m and went to go feel if I was a 10 yet and all she felt was the baby's head. I pushed through 4 contractions , 3 pushes on each one and at 9:10 a.m my beautiful daughter was born 😍 I tore in 2 places and had to get stitches but they don't really hurt and aren't very noticeable.  She was 8 pounds 3 oz and 21 inches long 💕 Now I'm just waiting for her color to come in haha.