Mil madness

Kara • Married 🇨🇦 SAHM Girl 09/09/16 -x- Boy 08/29/19 Waiting to TTC #3

My mother in law told my husband last week that if and when I get pregnant she is definitely not coming to the shower because it's going to be all MY family and MY friends...

Yesterday my husband was at her apartment with his brother and when he went to the bathroom she was talking about him. Asking his brother if I cut his hair and if I force him to wear his hair the way he has it ... I did cut it but he asked me to. My husband could hear them talking.

She trash talks me and my mother to my husband, she also bashes my husbands dad and his wife (married 12years). Then she thinks I will let her take my kid overnight! I am beyond angry and upset. I've tried to include her in everything! I'm done!