
Last night I was at my boyfriends house(19th) and the day before(18th) I thought I started what was my usual monthly period. However it was surprisingly light and only had brown spotting and clots. Then at his last night, I seemed to have a grey/white clump of what could maybe be tissue? I've never experienced anything like it before but I think it was a miscarriage. I had thoughts I may be pregnant for a little while but had always put it to the back of my head, now I'm almost 100% sure I miscarried. However, other than the brown spotting and tissue, I didn't have any excessive bleeding or really severe cramps, only normal. Has anyone else ever experienced this as I know cramps and lots of blood are the "normal" signs of a miscarriage. I'm too scared to go to the doctors at the moment so wanted to ask on here first😔