This guy won't stop moving/ clicking noise 😳😰

🎀Stephanie🎀 • Mommy of 2boys, Kaiden who is 5 and now baby BRODY 💙 January 2016💙love my hubby💙
I know it's a good sign n all.... But he's been going all day I swear! Now I'm in bed.... Listening to my son and hubby have a snoring competition... And I'm wide awake because this guy is having a kung fu party in my tummy and I swear I can feel his head super low. It moves down in my pelvic area and not up in my tummy.  So weird.  
35 weeks 1day
She's the only one up with me. Lol Much appreciated but I would LOVE some sleep😰
HAS ANYONE EVER HAD POPPING OR CLICKING NOISES COMING FROM THEIR TUMMYS WHILE BABY IS MOVING AROUND?!? lol trying to figure out what it is! It's not my stomach making noise. It's different and weird! I swear it's the baby. Lol