
Carlye🎀 • Layla Irie, 6lb 7 oz, born 11/24 at 37 weeks 💞
I exclusively pumped and bottle fed my first born, and I am doing the same with this baby. With my first, I got mastitis twice, clogged ducts, and had nipple and breast pain the entire time. I could only do it for 10 weeks. This time around, I've gotten mastitis once, and have had multiple clogged ducts. I have cracked and bleeding nipples which got infected, and I have sores on my areolas. I've done moist heat, massage, manual expression, I use lanolin and have been on antibiotics, oral and topical. I pump regularly, for 20 minutes every 3 hours. The pain is just excruciating and I'm only 4 weeks post partum. I am thankful to have a great supply coming in. In addition to what my baby is taking in daily (3.5 oz every 3-4 hours), I'm freezing about 18 oz a day. Honestly I'm just looking for a light at the end of the tunnel. Does the pain ever subside? Does it ever get any better? I can't put into words how tremendously painful it is for me. When I'm pumping is the worst, and in between pumping I'm terribly sore. I need to mentally prepare myself if this is the norm. Am I the only one who experiences this much pain from pumping?? When/will it end??