Facing a problem with DH

I have one more cycle before I am able to receive treatment to help with fertility under my insurance at the one year mark or trying.We are losing this insurance that's covers most of it without no cost in October of next year. So my problem is my husband is refusing to seek help continually saying over the past year that it's not happening because I'm too stressed and need to change my diet. That I need to stop trying so hard and just let it happen. I'm getting very worried at this point that I'm losing my chance to ever be able to afford help. Do any of you have experience with husbands who feel this way? Do you know anything I can do or show him that will help convince him or should I just let it go? We only have one child a six year old and lost another as a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks in 2010. I'm 27 and he is 28. Thanks for any insight!