Boyfriend said our sex life sucks because of me.

I told him I'm going/want to start my period, hense stopping bc for a little and I said it's not like we do anything so it shouldn't bother you. He's like, we don't do anything cause you always expect reciprocation. I'm like yeah, sex takes two. I showed him my calendars from October to December, showing how our sex life decreased... He's like " what?! you have a whore calender? Who says what's too much and what's enough?" I said I DO. And he counters, it's not attractive when you expect me to do anything. (example: wait for my turn). He's like, you always start it.... but you stop expecting me to do something back. 
I only stop because I'm waiting for him to want me to further it, make a noise, touch my arm... do something to show me you enjoy it! Don't just lie there and make me do all the work. He's like, "can't there be some times where you do something to me and that's it? Like I do you when I feel like it. Or some days we will both get it." I don't agree to this cause I never get my piece of cake, EVER.
Here's an example of what happens, I initiate sex all the time. I start rubbing his leg and doing those leg scratches he likes so much, or just rub his d. He just sits or lies there. I usually stop because I feel like he's bored and I'm doing something wrong. He doesn't say anything. I usually give up as well because he doesn't make me feel wanted. He rarely starts on me anymore, I'm just like... okay, I just roll on my side and fall asleep. He's like, "it takes me a few seconds to a minute to finish, but it takes you forever!" I feel like it's because he doesn't take the time with me. He's 23, I'm 20. He's had multiple sex partners, he's my only. I already know something is wrong. I don't know how to fix this.