For the people out there

Soori • 22 | Married | 2 kids | Australia
This is my husband. His strong sexy dark handsome and look, he has no beard? He isn't carrying any bombs on him. His name is MOHAMMAD. His a Muslim man and a proud one just taking a selfie for his wife at the gym. His a normal person. This is for those people out there who are so quite to stereotype Muslims to be terrorists
And this is me 
Also a Muslim. Converted Muslim which explains my tattoos. 
I don't wear a burka or head scarf (hijab) because it's my choice not to. 
Some women choose to wear it it's their choice. Some don't, but we are Muslims we are friendly and kind we are NOT terrorists we love our country. 
This post isn't to cause any hate it's just for a laugh and fun 😂😘