Rant: Who else has not had a good scan experience?

I was just thinking how since my first scan I haven't really had that good memorable experience. My opinion is that the ultrasound techs should be a little bit more understandable or be more considerate especially for the FTMS that those appts are what we're looking forward too. I'm a FTM and the times I've gone the tech just does the measurements and gets their info and there. They don't let me soak up the experience and they don't even try to find out the gender, if they don't see it when they are getting measurements then they just tell me that it's not important that the purpose of a scan is to make sure the baby is developing good. And I am not denying that I just think that they should be more considerate. Sorry about my rant but yeah I am 21 weeks still don't know the gender and they don't print me out any pictures.