Should I stay with him

Me and my boy friend have been with each other for 8 months it might not seem a lot but we have been through a lot! My parents don't like him because I'm from a different country to him and our cultures are different. In the first month he was amazing! When we hit 1 month he bought me roses a whole stand of lollipops a white gold diamond ring and a picture of me and him together. I thought nothing could ever go wrong with him. Around 2 months and a Half my parents found out about him and kicked me out by the 3rd month, I stayed with him for a month. That's when the arguing started it wasn't that bad at first. I stopped talking to my friends for him I don't go out anymore, my dad disowned me he HATES me talking to my brother. He even hits me sometimes but he's stopped he still calls me names like "hoe slag cunt bitch" I've told him numerous times not to because I'm not either of them. Now I think I'm pregnant my emotions have been all of the place, yesterday I kept calling and calling him he wouldn't answer his phone was off at 7am he says he slept off, he won't give me attention. Won't say he loves me because he wants me to say it cause he always says it, I was joking about with him today saying its a alien baby cause it's from you and we usually have Jokes like that at first he found it funny and then said I'd much rather have sex with a Latino girl and make her pregnant,  that completely broke my heart I really wanted to say to him I'd much rather have children with a Arab man but I didn't cause I knew he'd get angry. Then I tried calling him today and he wouldn't pick up so I blocked his number cause he made me angry. Did I do wrong by saying alien baby? Now all it seems like we do is argue. When I see him it's 24/7 stay at his house he doesn't make a effort with me no more he takes his friends out but we haven't been out in months! I keep asking him lets do something not necessarily spend money lets go to the park lets go to swimming. I'm a simple girl I don't care for going to fancy places doing fancy things, I love him ALOT! I'm scared of letting go of him. I am clingy it's because I don't trust him in his past he has cheated on girls and I don't want that to happen to me I feel like I make all the effort. He wants to go clubbing tomorrow and I don't want him to go but he won't listen to me and he doesn't let me out so why is there so much double standards What do I do???