After months of trying am I finally pregnant??

Me and my boyfriend have been having unprotected sex for 7 1/2 months, I am currently approximately 6-7 days late on my period, I'm bloated my nipples hurt my boobs hurt, I am so moody!!! I argue with him all the time and he says to me this is how my mum was like when she was pregnant. My lower abdomen gets slight cramps but when I'm on my period it's like WW4 cramps like the pain is so intense it missed out WW3, I get dizzy if I stand up, my sex drive is not great recently as I'm always angry. IM SOOO HUNGRY After eating I really want green olives lol 😏 as I'm typing I need to urinate and I did almost a few hours ago so I think that's normal though? I felt intensely sick over the past week. I had mashed potatoes and I almost vomited out. The odd thing is my ribs are beginning to hurt the lower part. I'm not usually late?