Sua, igur, and calcium deposit on heart

Our 20 week scan was supposed to be such an exciting day, but instead we received the worst need a mother could get. Our baby boy appears to have a single umbilical artery, igur, and a calcium deposit on his heart. He's also only measuring at 17 weeks. Our midwife told us all of these things by themselves would not really be a concern, but all together is a major concern. She said worse case scenario is our boy is a trisomy 13 or 18 baby. We opted out of genetic testing earlier, but we had them do a genetic blood test. We're seeing a maternal medicine specialist in 2 days but I have worried myself sick over this. I guess I'm just looking for some positive news of other mothers who have been through this and had a positive outcome. I'm so heartbroken over our first baby having these issues. I can't believe in my heart that I've had such an easy and uncomplicated pregnancy until now.