Advice please

Donette • Mom to two beautiful girls with a third on the way!! Wife to my best friend and I thank God that He made me for him!!
Okay so this is my second pregnancy to this point, I'm 32 weeks and 5 days. I had pre-eclampsia with my first. Went to the dr yesterday and I already have 1+ protein in my urine and I have been on Bp meds since 30 weeks. I have now gotten a headache that won't go away with Tylenol. I'm also having a ton of pressure in my pelvic area and lower abdomen and pain in my lower back. There have been a few times where I can't walk right. Anyways.... Contemplating calling the dr! I hate to be "that" patient so I can't decide! With my first, I only had 1 contraction that I remember before she broke my water and I was 3 cm and 70% thinned! What do I think?