My birth story..

Monica • One happy mamma! 😍 💙👶🏼
So my birth story started with having to be induced cuz I was 41 weeks. So it started Tuesday 22th, I was suppose to go in at 6am but they had no empty beds tell 2:30. By the time I got a room and on monitors is was 4pm. By 6:15pm they started my pitocin and got checked I was 4cm. By 10:30pm I started feeling the contractions hard. I asked for the pain meds in IV as the nurse went to get it my water broke and found that he had pooped in the womb. The pain meds only worked for about 20min, so then I asked for epi and she couldn't get it in my back for over an hour. And finally got it in. But it didn't fully help it made contractions less in time but still hard. At that point I knew something wasn't right so the nurse checked me again and I was fully dilated within 20min of the epi being put in. The nurse went out pretty fast and came back with my doctor and ultrasound. Turned out my baby was breech trying to come out butt first. They rushed me to have a emergency c section and becuz they couldn't get the epi fully in they had to knock me out. He was born at 4:24am 7lbs  Baby  and me are healthy and doing great.  The worst part of my delivery was wanting and needing to push but not being able to. That part was horrible. But wouldn't  change anything