I hate Christmas!

So I've not been a real Christmassy person since my grandmother died in 1997. For some reason this year I just felt more in the Christmas spirit. That all got smashed to h*** today when I was the only person in my family to not open ANY presents this morning. That would have been okay with me (because like I said, I'm not a Christmassy person) until the fact that my husband apologized for not getting me anything by informing me that it was because he bought himself over $1200 worth of stuff ($900 computer, $400 pistol, $50 holster, & $100 ammo).
Despite being hurt, I proceeded to spend the evening with my father-in-law who I absolutely despise (& vice versa) & haven't spoken to since the day my husband and I got married. My husband did not introduce me to one family member and practically ignored me the whole night. 
When we got home and he asked me why I wouldn't talk to him, I explained that I was hurt but did not want to fight on Christmas and I told him that I felt like my feelings don't matter because he always has to justify his actions and can never just apologize.... So he looks and me and says "I want a divorce. There is your f***ing Christmas present." And went to sleep in the couch... 
I've never been seen o hurt in my life!