Advice? Support?

So I always thought I'd never breastfeed my baby..... Well, I ended up breastfeeding him...
Anyways, now because when we are in the car he will get cranky(when he is hungry), or when my husband "wants to help" him and now my mom always give me crap and say "you should have never breastfed/this is why I didn't want you to breastfeed" 
It really is getting to me and at this point I just wanna cry and give up..... I just need some encouraging words, or advice on what to tell them/do 
& I can't buy a pump because you all know how pricey they are, and we are already broke(we COULD pay for formula, just don't have the extra $150-200 for a pump right now, and with our insurance we would get reimbursed, them not pay out front) :/