I'm so emotional and grateful

Essence • Wife, mother, child of God
I'm so emotional and grateful! My water broke at 9 pm Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> and I stayed in labor up until 5:24 Christmas day. Asher knew at only 35 weeks,it was early,so it took him longer to decide to come out! Finally with a little help of pitocin he really got moving. At 5:24 pm Christmas day, Asher Mychal was born! My little 5lb 7oz, 18 1/2 inch baby boy is so beautiful in our eyes! Just the site of you made me cry immediately upon you resting skin to skin on my chest. Being wheeled up to NICU, seeing how tiny you really were,yet strong and succeeding,I lost it! The second you were in my arms, tears began flowing!! I had to hand you off to your father so that I could contain myself. We love you son, everyone in our world loves you, is praying for you. We are nervous to take you home tomorrow but are so ready, Welcome to the Galbreath family tiny one!