Is my baby over eating?

My daughter is at daycare from 715am-5pm. She eats 16-19 oz of breast milk during that time. I BF on demand in the evenings. She usually wakes up 1-3x/night and will eat, but it's not a full feed - sort of seems like snacking or comfort nursing. In the morning when we get up, I BF her, but again, it's not a full feed. Sometimes I have to pump to empty because she doesn't eat that much. Anyway....16-19oz of milk seems like a lot for a 10 hour day. Am I right to assume that she's probably eating so much at daycare since she's not eating a ton off my breast during the hours she's with me? I know the 1-1.5oz per hour rule. So maybe she just eats more during the day? Anyone else's baby like this? We go to the pediatrician in a few weeks, so I'll ask him, but just curious....For what it's worth, I'm not having any trouble keeping my supply up with her intake....