Avrilynn Elizabeth was born 12/23 weighing 7lbs 9oz

Brittany • I'm an almost 25yrs old mother of 2 boys & a wife. I'm thrilled to be completing our family with a little girl!

Avrilynn Elizabeth was born 12/23 weighing 7lbs 9oz.

I went in Tuesday around 5pm to start an induction but had a massive panic attack. Everything in my body screamed to go home. (this is my 3rd and this has never happened before). My midwife said I could go home and wait if I wanted to. I was 8 days overdue & was allowed to go up to 14. They said I could if I wanted to but I had to have an ultrasound and testing to be sure it's safe. So after all that I was released home. My family and I got home, had dinner and went to bed. I climbed into bed at 10:30pm and fell fast asleep. Couple hours later I woke up in a world of pain. I laid there for a few minutes then got up to use the bathroom & I could feel pressure baring down on my cervix. So I woke up my poor husband who had been through a lot with his crazy wife all day lol. He jumped right up and said alright let's go. He started the car, dressed the boys & walked me out. We drove 35 minutes to the hospital the whole time I prayed not to let this baby come in the car.

I got to the hospital around 1:45am, they checked me and I was 5cm (i was 3 when I left earlier). My midwife kept saying "you're a completely different woman than the one who walking in here earlier."

I was in so much pain. I felt like my hips were being torn apart it was awful. Finally I got into the tub and being able to move and rock my hips helped but I still was pretty convinced that I would need a hip replacement after this. I would have 1 giant contraction then a small one in between like an aftershock.

I had no concept of time but I know at one point I had to use the bathroom and asked to get out. My nurse helped me out and while I sat on the toilet I could again feel her pushing down and my contractions went from 4 minutes apart with the small one in between to just no break at all. They were never ending. I got onto the bed and decided I wasn't moving far. They wanted me to stand and walk off the pain but my hips were on fire I could not move. They checked me and I was 10. They said for me to give into the contraction and push it I want. I calmly pushed gently and could feel her passing through. Then she was to the point of crowning and I pushed as hard as I could and out she came. She was so little I couldn't believe she caused so much pain lol. That is how my little lady joined the world. :)