Brown spotting

KC • We have a wonderful 10 y/o boy and now waiting for our gift from God in September 2016
There was a light brownish spotting going on this morning. I'm 4week 3 days pregnant. I read this could be normal for first trimester. Have you guys experienced this? What's your opinion please. 
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I experienced this at 10 weeks. It can be caused by old blood from the cervix. Best to contact your doctor to be on the safe side. But it can be pretty normal. I'm now 22 weeks with no problems so far. Have you had any cramping? Has it changed in colour? How much was there? 


mi • Dec 28, 2015
I was the the same. Unless it changes to red and the cramps are serve then you are ok. I spotted again after having a transvaginal ultrasound. I wouldn't panic, I'd still go to the doc for peace of mind.


KC • Dec 28, 2015
Thanks Mandy. It was only a little bit this morning, very light on my underwear. I've been having cramping for about four days, on one side only.