I started having sum labor pains around 9pm & they got stronger as the nite progressed

I started having sum labor pains around 9pm & they got stronger as the nite progressed. Around 11:30 i started keeping track of how far apart they were (5 mins apart at 1 min intervals). At 2:30 am i went to take a warm bath & was in there about 45 mins, i got out & went to lie down on the bed during a contraction & i felt a pop & followed by a gush of water at 3:40am. Got to the hospital by 4am & got checked in, they got me ready & hooked up. Checked me & i was dialated to a 6, i opted for no pain meds...they checked me again alittle bit later & i was at a 9. Had strong contractions the whole time, but finally at 5:21am my angel arrived in my life! I couldn't b happier!!