Anthony came December 16 at 10am on the dot by Csection

Dee🤓 • Had my boy Dec. 16th 2015 after having three miscarriages. Now I am pregnant again, after another miscarriage, so hopefully this one sticks. Due October 16th!
Anthony came December 16 at 10am on the dot by Csection! He was supposed to be a big baby, projected size, 11 lbs, but he was born at 7 lbs 11 oz. The section itself wasn't bad. I walked into the delivery room, they had already put in my IV (which required three tries cause my vein kept blowing). Once on the table they put in my spinal tap and almost immediately my legs went numb. I laid down and was feeling pretty confident. But then I felt anxiety, like I had never felt before. I heard them say my pressure was dropping and I remember looking over at the machine and seeing it was at 60/37 (or something like that, it's a blur now) and I couldn't breathe. It felt as though someone was on my chest. I was nauseous, I kept dry heaving. They asked me if I wanted my husband in there already, but I didn't want him to see me like this. At this point I kept drifting in and out of consciousness and I told them, "I can't do this! Just knock me out!!!" But it was to late. They finally got my BP stabilized and brought my hubby in. This happened three times.  I could feel them working on me but felt no pain down there. But my pressure kept dropping which felt horrible. I felt when they pulled Anthony out, and even though I was in pain, I wanted him on my chest. Having him there made the pain almost disappear though apparently I was wincing from the pain, so they finally gave me something for it. Anthony started trying to breast feed right away. I was so happy it was over. They closed me back up while I held my baby. It was all worth it!