MIL boundaries

I don't want to give the wrong impression, because my MIL is a very nice woman and we usually get long great, but she is just one of those women that oversteps her boundaries. Since we got married she treats me as if I don't know what I'm doing with anything or I'm a child. And now with the baby she keeps saying things like "I just have no I idea how you guys are gonna do it,you have no idea how to take care of a baby" which frankly? Is true but common, nobody knew what they were doing with their first baby, obviously we will learn just like SHE did, and lately I've just been so stressed because she has had no problem telling us what to do if forcing her opinions on us so just thinking about the upcoming birth any day down stresses me out, she assumes that she would be in the delivery room and when I td her that would not be the case, she complained to my husband about it and to my own mother as well as if they were going to force we to let her be there, she now continues to make references to herself being there despite the fact that I have told her she will not be. It's driving me insane, and no disrespect to any c-section mom's out there, but my MIL has had all her 5 kids by c-section and I'm sorry, but she therefore does not understand what it would feel like to have people there during a natural birth, tbh, I don't think she even understands that labor could last more than an entire day. She even told this horrible story about how her sister got mad at her for coming into the room to see the baby right after birth, she was so embarrassed because they were cleaning her up that she cried and all my mother in law can say is "shes so exaggerated, as if anyone was looking at her, all anyone cares about is seeing the baby" I am just losing it thinking about the day of and what she will try to do. I also need her to understand  that she will be in the waiting room after the birth too until I'm ready. I will want some time alone with my own baby in my arms before I have to hand him to everyone one else, I just dont want her knocking on the door, texting my husband as soon as the baby is born asking to be let in. Am I being overly dramatic?? What can I say to her and my husband so he doesn't feel hurt? Can I request beforehand to the nurses or doctors that nobody be let in? Also, my MIL still has young kids, 3 daughters, one 14, one 8 and the other 3 years old, can I request that the children not be let in either and wait for them to visit once we're home? Sorry this is so long :/ any advice helps :)