Missing my Husband...😖

D. • Mommy of 2 👑K.J.M🎀❤🎀M.S.M👑

Sorry this is long, but I just need to vent....

My husband and I planned a family vacay to visit my in laws in Mexico w/our two daughters for the holidays but due to some very unexpected expenses we were forced to waste most of the money in our savings. If we would all go on this trip, our savings would be gone. I'm the type that tries to always have $$ saved just in case of emergencies it makes me feel good... So my husband was sad and had pretty much lost all hope in us going, so I told him he should at least go by himself due to the fact that obviously a trip for 1 is much cheaper than 4 (+we would still be able to keep a bit of $$ saved). Of course that caught him off guard, but he felt so happy that I would be so selfless and do that for him. I told him that I can relate to my mother-in-law, as a mother I would want my children w/me especially during the holidays. So we agreed that he would be here for Christmas and spend New Years in Mexico. Our daughters are 4&2 Christmas is special for them, plus he didn't want to miss out on being with us. So he left on Sat. the 26th and is heading back Jan. 7, I know it's not a long time but I still miss him. I try to pretend I'm ok when we talk on the phone because I know if I tell him I'm sad he'll feel bad. I honestly just want him to have fun and I do fully support him being there...I just miss him, our home/everything doesn't feel the same, you know? Any of you going through something similar?