My birth story

Holly • In our 30`s. Have 3 daughters and another little one on the way!!
My birth story.  On Sunday night after dinner I wanted a piece of gum. I got up to get a piece and had fluid leak out of me and wouldn't stop coming. Called my Obgyn they said to come in and get checked. So we went to the hospital. I had broken my water but I was only 1-2 centimeters and about 50% effaced. So a slow start to labor. Stayed at the hospital because I had to get antibiotics for group b positive. After this I had an allergic reaction to meds because they pushed them way to fast. My contractions were 4-5 minutes apart and not very intense. So come the following morning nothing had changed and decided to start pitocin through my iv. After that my contractions got more stronger and quicker. 3:30 I got checked again found out little one had a bm while in there. So I freaked out, I had a cousin born this way and had lots of issues. After that my forbag (second bag of water) broke. It's rare but does happen. Checked again at 4 I'm between 5-6, my body starts pushing on its own. Right before she come out, labor was super fast, I had another big huge gush of fluid that shot across the room and almost hit my doctor. Which is kind of funny because he is the calmest and quietest man ever lol jumps out of the way. He then tell me to stop pushing because he needed to get changed. My body wouldn't stop he had to grab her quickly. She was born at 5:24pm. Had a little trouble with breathing but all better now. Just dealing with her being tongue tied like her big sister.