Elevated tsh

Kate • Ttc 40 months <3 happily married 3 years together 7

So I've been taking 100 mg of synthroid for my hypothyroidism. And this last blood draw my number was the highest it's ever been! I opened my chart (the perks to working for the hospital system that does your blood work)

It was 6.86. The highest I've been up until this point was 5.2. I've taken this religiously as soon as I wake up. Then 3 to 4 hours later the rest of my meds (three prenatals, an omega 3 pill, and a vitamin d) all prescribed by our RE. I know they will call me tomorrow or soon after their holiday hrs but does anyone have any idea why? We were suppose to start our <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> this month and I fear this pushes is back another cycle :/