The Olive Branch

Beth • ~~~♡♡Let`s Roll♡♡~~~ seems that sometimes...sometimes ladies people have a change of heart. I get a call while out and about from my hubby's sister R. At first I'm thinking NOT to answer considering the way she talked to me the last time. But I was curious and I have thick skin so bring it on is what I was thinking. Anyways R wanted to know if I wanted to go out for lunch as she had something to tell me. I said OK. So yesterday I met up with R. She apoligized for the gross way she behaved not only before Xmas but for the last year. She went on to say that she has been having trouble within her marriage and she has been having trouble dealing with the baby. She said she was jealous of me becuase I can still go and do things, I seem to have a happy marriage and a stable life and she was frustrated with her life. But she said it was no excuse for the cruel words and the way she would treat me. She broke down and said her hubby is cheating on her, she has proof. I felt bad for her really, No matter what's she's said and done to me she doesn't deserve that. I said I forgave her but that Forgetting will take time. Trust will take time too. I told her that she can still do things and go places, I even volunteered to babysit baby L for her. I said that perhaps she should talk to her husband about the cheating issue. Show him the proof and hopefully everything will work out. I left, went home and hugged my husband so tight thanking him for being him. I decided not to tell my hubby what happened until R said it was okay. So we'll just see if maybe R changed her tune and will treat others with respect...tune he ones who deserve it.