This is the last stretch of the second trimester!

I'm in bed wondering where all the time has gone. Little Lucas has spent 27 weeks growing on the inside! It doesn't feel like it's been very long, in fact, I remember the little blue positive sign like as if it were yesterday; yet I wonder how there's only 13 weeks left for me and my little bear. I can't imagine loving my son more than I already do, but I know that my heart will swell with love once I hold him in my arms. The third trimester will be over before I know it, and I'll be able to breathe properly again, not have acid reflux every time I eat, pee less often, weigh less (in time) again, and greatest of all -my son will be on the outside with his daddy and me. He makes all of this worth it. I love you Lucas Michael Bossen, you are my sunshine.