
My bf and broke up and I have a child with him! I have a persona of if u break up with me then I will act as if u do not exsit. I made it clear that we can not be in the friend zone, Bc I love you too much! My life coach told me to tell him that. Plus that's how I really feel. So once, we decided to go our seperated ways, I have not reached out to him! He has not reached out to me to contact our 2yr old child. I was gonna send a photo card to wish him happy ny and my mother told me to not chase him down! If he claims he loves his daughter then he should be persuing it. My ex knows that I will never not allow him to see her. I'm so confused Bc it's not fair to my child that she hasn't seen nor spoken to her dad. But, I gave him what he wanted he can't have it both ways. So I'm giving him his space and out of his world. But far as a parents, I'm lost on what to do?! Please only mature and helpful comments! This is serious thank you :)